Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mary, just wanted to say thanks for the bookmaking session yesterday. I really enjoyed it xx
Here are some not great photos of my finished products.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hi all
What shall we do Tuesday 18th - anyone have any suggestions?
just want to let you know Tuesday's I will be away, they are: Sept 8th, Oct 20th / 27th & Nov 3rd.
Phil, I was going to ask you when you would be up for doing a tech session but you went for lunch before I could ask. Also looking forward to more screenprinting.
I am in an exhibition at Novas as part of 'soup' the PV is on Wednesday 19th August from 6pm - not sure what floor!! come along....

Preview above

see you all Tuesday xx

Monday, August 3, 2009

logo and book arts

Hi everyone!

Here's the final logo, let me know what you think. I think it's pretty solid. 

Also, I'm going to book the print studio for August 25th & 26th for the book arts demo. That's a Tuesday and Wednesday. Emma is starting a skills share project and this is my show&tell turn. It's open to anyone who is either in the illustrators group or to anyone who wants to be a part of the skills share project. We get two sessions in the studio for this, so I'll be running the workshop twice. 
See you all tomorrow in the studio!
